IFA, U.S. Chamber Issue Joint Employer Decision Report

Changing the joint-employer policy is applying tension to franchisor-franchisee relationships. A new IFA-U.S. Chamber of Commerce report could be an important entry into the policy debate in Washington, D.C. and around the country as IFA seeks a permanent solution to protect franchise businesses from undeserved liability for another firm’s workers.
Government Relations

Spotlight on Resources: National Diversity Council

Studies demonstrate the effectiveness of diversity to increase a company’s bottom line. Any diversity and inclusion initiative must be comprehensive, well-rounded, and address company operations.
Operations & Training

How to Effectively Evolve Your Franchise Support System

A franchisor can spend a wealth of time and resources to make sure that a company is evolving and moving forward in an ever-changing marketplace. But, what good are the tools and support systems a franchisor works to provide if no one in the franchise system sees the inherent value in them and as a result, doesn’t use them? 

I’ve had the unique pleasure of watching a franchise system evolve over 25 years from both the franchisee and corporate executive stand point. Having watched various new tools and support systems being implemented over the years, I’ve found that a grassroots approach is most effective to gaining both acceptance and adoption of new tools and programs.
Franchise Relations