The Psychology of Being Our Best Under Pressure – Managing the Impact of Coronavirus on Your Mental Health and Relationships
Thursday, April 9th, 2020; 3:15pm-4:15pm
The Psychology of Being Our Best Under Pressure – Managing the Impact of Coronavirus on Your Mental Health and Relationships
Panelists: Greg Nathan
Webinar Summary –
In this stimulating and health-focused webinar, Greg Nathan, a registered psychologist and IFA member discussed managing the impact of coronavirus on mental and physical health, as well as on business and personal relationships. Mr. Nathan took a step-by-step approach to actions to be taken that improve mental attitudes, routines, and structures to lessen the anxiety produced by the change and uncertainty induced by Covid-19.
Key Bullets –
- Pay attention to mental health warning signs in yourself and others, and utilize the strategies here to better chart a course toward positive thinking
- Tack from impulsive “fight or flight” thinking to clear thinking, characterized by acceptance and engagement with emotions
- Adopt the “check-in technique” for your mental and physical health, and your relationships with others
Full Bullets –
Managing the Impact of Coronavirus on your Mental Health and Relationships
- Mental health protective factors and danger signs
- Understanding the psychology of uncertainty and change
- Strategies to stay well, resilient and at our best
- Managing relationship strains and difficult conversations
- How to support others and help to keep them optimistic
Unpredictable change will expose weaknesses in our lives and relationships
Lack of communication, trust; relationships are tested
What do we need to SHOP for?
- S: supporters to bring out the best in us
- H: humility to keep us grounded
- O: optimism to keep us motivated
- P: purpose to give us direction
Mental health warning signs
- Doing or saying things that are out of character
- Persistent anxiety, anger, frustration
- Withdrawing into oneself and not wanting to connect with others
- Not looking after oneself
- Feeling down in the dumps, cynical, overwhelmed
10 actions you can take
- Make sure you are calm and have time to listen
- Don’t assume your job is to fix them, accept that they may not want to talk
- Pick a suitable time and place to talk and take a friendly, concerned approach
- Ask “how are you doing” and share something you’ve noticed about their behavior
- If they don’t want to talk, accept this and invite them to talk with you anytime
- Listen carefully, don’t interrupt or rush; paraphrase what you hear with no judgement or pressure
- Ask “what have you done in the past to manage similar situations” or “how can I support you”
- Don’t give unprompted advice, dismiss their concerns or tell them to pull themselves together
- If they have felt down for more than 2 weeks, encourage them to get professional help
- Make a note in your calendar to give them a call in a week or two
Make sure your firm has referrals to programs/assistance for employees
Three bubbles of life: Work & Business; Personal Vitality & Health; Relationship
Who is someone in your life you are grateful to and what is something you love or respect about them?
Adopting an attitude of gratitude
Power of supportive relationship
Impact and correlation of family and social support, mental & physical health, and business performance
The “Check-in” technique
- How is my energy? (Physical)
- How am I feeling? (emotional)
- Think of three words that describe how you feel right now
- Name it to tame it; practice acceptance; power to choose
- Naming your emotions activates the “smart brain”
- What is bothering me? (Mental)
- Reappraisal – think of situations that have been stressing you, and ask questions about the situation
- How could this be a good thing?
- What benefits might this bring?
- Name it – empathetic, no judgement
- E Empathize
- Move On
- Reappraisal – think of situations that have been stressing you, and ask questions about the situation
- What is my purpose (in this situation)? (Intention)
- What gives you a deep sense of satisfaction?
- What aspects of your work energize you?
- What do you really enjoy doing?
- Seek out quality mentors/role models who care about you
Stress now is due to uncertainty. Brains are hardwired to react to threats quickly, and the uncertainty is creating threat response (fight or flight) à characterized by shock, anxiety, anger
Clear thinking -characterized by acceptance, engagement
This is situation specific – some things are more clear, others are more reactive/defensive
8 tips to maintain physical vitality:
Be aware of your stress signals
Practice equal breathing each morning
Wind down for 30-60 minutes before bed
Maintain a routing for sleep, exercise, meals
Cook fresh, nutritious meals
Walk briskly for 15 to 20 mins
Do stretching exercises to keep the spine supple
Consider Vitamin D, C, Zinc supplements
Power of optimism: What are three things that went well today and why?