Franchise Executive Continuing Education Central to Holistic Member Service & Value-Based Approach

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Certified Franchise Executive Certification Transitions from IFA Foundation to IFA 

It is an exciting time to be an International Franchise Association (IFA) member. While the global pandemic presented an enormous challenge for people, society and businesses—large and small—it also provided the opportunity to take stock in what works, drive value and better serve customers. Just as franchise brands increased focus on value creation and business continuity over the past year, so too has IFA.  

As your chosen membership association looks forward to 2022 and beyond, IFA is committed to expanding member value and refining its approach to member service, programs, networking and education with the goal of providing a completely integrated member experience that adds value to you and to your business. With this clearly defined goal, today, IFA announces the transition of the Institute of Certified Franchise Executives and the Certified Franchise Executive (CFE) program from IFA Foundation to IFA.  

IFA Board Chair Catherine Monson, CFE (Propelled Brands |FastSigns) shared, “An integrated approach to education within the industry with an eye toward building additional education verticals in the future will benefit franchisors, franchisees and suppliers alike.” She continued, “The CFE certification is the gold standard in equipping current and future franchisors with the tools they need to grow successful businesses and bring their brands to more consumers.” 

“Better-educated franchise professionals, be it franchisors, suppliers or existing and prospective franchisees, will drive better outcomes in franchising. As IFA works to protect, promote and enhance the franchising business model, strategically realigning the CFE program puts continuing education at the center of the IFA value proposition,” said IFA President and CEO Matt Haller.  

The best and brightest business minds are engaged in franchising. The commitment of CFE graduates and candidates – as well as the brands – to life-long-learning and professional development by earning this certification is indicative of their commitment to growing businesses and investing in people and communities. 

IFA Foundation Board Chair Tony Valle, CFE (College Pro) remarked, “Growing additional lifelong member value is critical to a healthy franchise business model. Investing in modernizing and scaling the CFE industry certification is a timely response to the increasing need for continuing education, professional development and collaboration of IFA members across the franchise sector.” 

James Mowery, CFE (SMB Franchise Advisors) chair of the Institute for Certified Franchise Executives shared similar perspective on the opportunity ahead. “Integrating the CFE program into the holistic IFA strategy and member offering will create economies of scale and enable the program to reach more existing and potential brand leaders, suppliers and franchisees.” 

Since its inception, the CFE certification has put more than 3,000 individuals, and the brands they work for, on the fast track to success. The transition announced today will put education at the center of IFA to ensure a strong future that promotes and enhances the franchise business model.  
