Association Health Plans (AHPs)
Whether a large franchisor company with thousands of locations or an individual franchisee successfully running a single unit, delivering affordable health care is one of the most pressing issues facing franchising.
In June of 2018, the Department of Labor issued a rule that allowed for increased access to Association Health Plans (AHPs). AHPs allow small businesses to band together and purchase insurance, leveraging their combined purchasing power to offer lower premiums than comparable plans on the individual insurance exchange. Early plans being formed or expanded since this ruling comply with ACA mandates, do not exclude individuals with pre-existing conditions and don’t impose annual or lifetime limits on coverage.
IFA fully supports AHPs and continues to work with Congress, IFA member companies, and fellow associations in Washington, D.C., to develop, implement, and offer a best-in-class AHP for the franchising community.
To learn more about AHPs, please visit the Department of Labor's summary: