Member Since
BizCom Associates
Allen, TX
United States
Contact Scott White for more information
Contact Monica Feid for more information
BizCom Associates is a new breed of public relations and marketing communications firm. We do not take an old-school approach to PR. We go Beyond PR by providing you with much more than traditional public relations among our core services.
Several years ago we recognized that the media landscape was dramatically changing.
The way prospects consumed their information was changing. Tactics and strategies that worked just a few years earlier no longer delivered the same results.
As a result, we expanded our capabilities and expertise in order to provide a blended approach to PR that takes advantage of traditional media coupled with the many new communications tools and platforms now available.

Our now clients benefit from the seamless integration of our publicity, digital, design, publishing and other capabilities needed to engage today’s audiences when, how and where they want to be reached.
One thing that hasn’t changed, however, are the results you can expect. Since our founding in 1999, BizCom has helped dynamic entrepreneurs and many of the world’s most well-known brands promote their products and services worldwide. We’ve done it for hot young start-ups. We’ve done it for established multinationals. We can do it for you.