Power of Brands
The most valuable asset for businesses.
The most trusted for consumers.
The most trusted for consumers.
Understanding the Power of a Brand
What's in a name? The answer may be more than you think. A brand name is one of the most valuable assets a company possesses. It lends credibility to a product or service, provides an assurance of quality, and lets consumers know what they can expect. Franchising is built on "The Power of Brands." Brands allow companies to differentiate themselves from their competitors.
The Power of Brands means stewarding a business in a responsible manner. For Lime, that means leading with our core values of love, integrity, mission, excellence.
Nick Lopez
Lime Painting
The Power of the brands provides safety & security & comfort for the consumer as well as it drives economic growth for the country and our franchisees. Brands are a great way to communicate to the consumer what the business stands for.
Chris Grandpre
Outdoor Living Brands
The Power of Brands means opportunities and really changes people’s lives.
Angela Jaskolski
Waxing the City
The Power of the brand shows trust, compassion integrity and doing the right thing.
Emma Dickison
Home Helpers Home Care
The Power of Brands is trust.
Peter Holt
The Joint Chiropractic
Franchise Economy
Today, there are nearly 733,000 franchise establishments representing 300 lines of business, from quick-service restaurants to automotive, business and health services. We welcome you to explore the power of brands and the economic impact of franchising across the United States and in your local community.