Drive Franchise Development Through LinkedIn Social Selling

Social selling begins and ends with listening. As technology has advanced, social media has become a mainstream form of communication and education. Franchise candidates are educating themselves much earlier in the decision process than in years past, no doubt in part because information has become so accessible through the Internet.

Expanding Into India and Mexico

The journey may be discouraging and frustrating at times, but persevere and your brand will soon surround the globe.

Franchising is Under Attack

The SEIU is organizing people around the theme of  “income inequality,” which the union is using to help build its numbers, increase political power and justify getting involved in minimum wage increases throughout communities, cities and states across the country.
Government Relations

Aligning the Needs of the Brand and its Franchisees

For obvious reasons, alignment between the mutual needs of the franchisor and franchisee are critical to an enduring and healthy relationship. Hopefully franchise candidates who chose franchising as their preferred means to enter entrepreneurship already have a strong appreciation for the value and equity of partnerships.
Franchise Relations