International Franchise Association Joins Central Illinois Business Owners in Backing Rep. Rodney Davis
Praise Davis’ leadership for America’s locally owned franchise small businesses and the millions of jobs they support
WASHINGTON, D.C., June 23, 2022– The International Franchise Association (IFA) today joined local franchise business owners in the 15th District of Illinois to announce their support for Rep. Rodney Davis, ahead of his midterm election on Tues., June 28. Named a “Friend of Franchising,” the group praised Davis’ pro-business record and staunch support for job creation and the people of Main Street America.
“Rep. Davis is champion for America’s small businesses and one of the best advocates for franchising in Congress,” said Michael Layman, Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs. “Local franchises are engines for growth in communities around the nation, and Rep. Davis’ record shows that he prioritizes creating an environment for these entrepreneurs and the 8.2 million employees they support to grow and thrive.”
“I believe that Rodney Davis has been very pro-business in the State of Illinois,” said Richard Yoerk, franchise owner in Mahomet, Illinois. “Rep. Davis has done a good job in difficult circumstances and has represented our district well. I see no need to replace him for an unknown candidate because of party infighting.”
“I am honored to pledge my support for Rep. Rodney Davis,” said Chris Miller, franchise owner in Decatur, Illinois. “Central Illinois continues to prosper from Rep. Davis’ unyielding commitment to small business, and our area is fortunate to benefit from his leadership.”
“Rodney Davis is a great leader for Main Street,” said Marty Davis, franchise owner, Vandalia, Illinois. “We appreciate all of his work to help franchise businesses recover from the pandemic and onerous policies from the government, and I wholeheartedly support Rodney Davis.”
“I am pleased to endorse Congressman Rodney Davis,” said Bob Gilstrap, franchise owner, Quincy, Illinois. “He’s our congressman - he has been instrumental in helping small businesses open up and getting Americans back to work, which in turn fuels the economy. With leaders like Congressman Davis, our country can thrive. He is a true champion for America’s small businesses.”
According to recent research by Oxford Economics, franchised businesses provide better wages, up to 3.4% higher, and more generous benefits than their non-franchised counterparts. They offer entrepreneurial opportunities that would not otherwise be available, especially to women, people of color, and veterans. Around 26% of franchises are owned by people of color, compared with 17% of independent businesses generally. Nearly one-third of all franchise owners say they would not own a business without franchising.
Illinois is home to nearly 30,000 franchise small businesses, employing over 335,000 individuals in the state. Franchises in Illinois contribute $35.4 billion in economic output annually. IFA represents franchise companies in over 300 different business format categories, individual franchisees, and companies that support the industry in marketing, law, technology, and business development,
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About The International Franchise Association:
Celebrating over 60 years of excellence, education, and advocacy, the International Franchise Association (IFA) is the world’s oldest and largest organization representing franchising worldwide. IFA works through its government relations and public policy, media relations, and educational programs to protect, enhance and promote franchising and the approximately 775,000 franchise establishments that support nearly 8.2 million direct jobs, $787.7 billion of economic output for the U.S. economy, and almost 3 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). IFA members include franchise companies in over 300 different business format categories, individual franchisees, and companies that support the industry in marketing, law, technology, and business development.