Where to get your IFA publications

News Round-Up
News Round-Up

    I was looking through my Google Alerts the other day and came across an alert to a site promoting a download link to a Franchising World article. I clicked the link to see what it was and was immediately blocked by our antivirus program with a message that the link led to a website that contained malicious code. Not surprising...and for the umpteenth time that day I was very thankful for antivirus software. Which brings me to a few points. Point 1. Make sure you have some sort of protection for your system (including phones and tablets) on your journey through the web. Point 2. Have a good idea about the link you're clicking. Point 3. There are easier ways to read IFA publications that scouring the web. Franchising World, the IFA flagship publication, is included in your member benefits. If you don't receive your printed version for some reason, you can access a digital version of Franchising World here. We're looking at some upgrades to Franchising World online in the coming weeks so be on the lookout for that. SmartBrief is an electronic publication delivered straight to your inbox every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It's filled articles covering franchise-industry news, best practices, business leadership, trends, policy updates, and member spotlights. You can share this link with your friends so they can register. IFA Insider is our member-only electronic newsletter. It covers breaking news and all things IFA. Look for Insider every Tuesday afternoon. If you have any questions about these or other IFA publications, drop me a line or leave a comment below.
