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Top 5 Franchise Development Marketing Trends for 2022

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Sponsored content by All Points Public Relations.

Marketing trends are always changing, and it can be hard to keep up. With a dedicated focus on propelling franchise brand growth, All Points Public Relations is tackling these franchise marketing trends using the proven methods we've mastered over ten years in business in new, innovative ways.

Our integrated public relations approach energizes franchise brands at all stages through powerful results. We blend the right mix of targeted publicity, social media, digital and content marketing to directly address client objectives and exceed shared goals. 

With an integrated strategy in mind, here are five franchise development marketing trends that franchise brands should take note of in 2022:

  1. All Ears for UGC

User-generated content (UGC) and postings from micro and nano influencers—staples of our own agency's influencer outreach strategies—reign supreme in a social media landscape where more users than ever take an active role in content creation. Platforms like TikTok have lowered barriers for content to go viral and allowed users to monetize content, and other outlets have followed suit.

Do not discount micro-influencer brand validation even in a franchise development capacity. Micro-influencers are at a peer level, therefore more relatable, and trustworthy over other advertising avenues. With a lower entry cost, micro-influencers can spark higher organic brand engagement at a better cost.

2. KISS (Keep it simple... and short)

Attention spans continue to shrink across all demographics, and busy multi-unit franchise investors are no exception. Bite-sized, shareable and informational content means more of your audience is likely to consume and disseminate your message to their networks. We've implemented short-form video content like Q&As or live tours in content marketing and social media pieces to communicate more with less. 

3. Alexa, What is SEO?

95% percent of searchers only view the first page of online search results, and voice searching via AI like Alexa is also on the rise, meaning ranking highly within search algorithms is more important than ever. SEO is deeper than backlinking and interlinking processes—it requires a comprehensive content strategy to develop useful site content that many businesses don't have the expertise to create. When drafting content marketing pieces, we always provide a detailed rationale for the keywords and corresponding copy to further business goals via organic search.

4. Show Me the Numbers

Concrete systemwide data, consumer reports and industry statistics are necessary to support franchise development brand claims. Press outlets and potential leads alike react positively to specificity in your data. How can you mine the stats to find golden nuggets of sales data? We assist our clients in finding the best numbers to tell the story of their brand growth in new ways. 

5. Privacy, Please

Apple’s latest update, iOS 15, provides enhanced privacy controls, including Mail Privacy Protection. Facebook has also acquiesced to users' calls for less invasive tracking for advertising purposes. These updates require all marketers to scrutinize data differently and devote their content to a highly researched audience. For example, our agency has implemented innovative strategies across the board to not rely solely on data provided by digital platforms and to incorporate detailed profiles to reach the best target audience. 

Ready to GROW? Email Jamie Izaks today.
