5 Pillars of Killer Conventions

Franchise Opportunities

 Earlier this week, IFA CEO, Steve Caldeira, presented an award at an IFA member’s annual convention.   Hundreds of franchisors, big and small, host similar conventions each year to celebrate the brand’s success and openly discuss key issues impacting the brand’s future.    It’s one of the few times that corporate employees and franchisees can meet face to face to collaborate on best practices, lessons learned, and new programs.   When done well, they’re quite productive and a lot of fun.


We’ve been lucky enough to attend dozens of these conventions over the years as Washington, D.C.’s hotels and attractions make the city an excellent place for these shows.   We’ve seen franchise brands, big and small, from all industries put on great shows…and others who have bored the attendees to sleep.


Based on this experience, we’ve discovered there are five key ingredients of a killer convention.   


Pay for at least one GREAT Speaker – There’s nothing like an inspirational, comical, engaging speaker (or, preferably, speakers) to get your annual convention off to a fast start.   A great speaker gets the attendees involved and excited.   A great speaker creates momentum for the entire show and helps inspire open dialogue and thoughtful questions.   Book an excellent speaker or two on the front end of the convention – your attendees will thank you…and will provide considerably better feedback.

Plan exciting off-campus events – On the same topic, provide your attendees with more interesting things to do.   Book a private event at a sporting event, set them up with guided tours of area attractions, throw a party…coordinate something that fits the character of the franchisees.   Roundtables, breakout sessions are certainly valuable…but more is often learned outside of the formal convention sessions inside the hotel.

Make a Statement with the Location – While it’s certainly important to offer interesting off-site events, don’t underestimate the importance of the convention’s location.   Your franchisees are taking time away from building their business to attend this show – thank them by hosting the show at a nice hotel in an attractive location.

Limit Speaking Sessions to 60-90 min, MAX – Also thank your franchisees by giving them frequent breaks in between speaking sessions.   Nothing kills the momentum of a conference like hours of back to back to back lengthy speeches.   Certainly schedule a diverse roster of speakers and openly report all of the positives and negatives associated with the brand’s recent past and upcoming future…but be sure to give attendees breaks so they can re-focus and remain engaged.

Keep Attendees Engaged with Creative Ideas – Too many conventions are composed of the same exact schedule.   Throw in some interesting ideas that catch your attendees by surprise.   Have a freelance news crew “live reporting” at the show.   Create a spoof video poking fun at senior management or a movie trailer showing how the brand will change the world.  Unveil new and exciting plans/programs in a dramatic fashion.   Attendees are enamored by the unexpected and want to be entertained – cater to that need and the convention will be much more rewarding. 
